The Navigation Bar is located at the top of all important Silicon Junction web pages, including this one. It has 12 buttons that let you quickly jump to any of the important sections of Silicon Junction. It also lets you jump back to the Junction Home Page or to the Junction Search page. In the text-only format used by Junction Lite, the buttons in the navigation bar are blue, underlined text areas (hyperlinks). In the graphically-rich format (Junction Rich) these buttons are built into the main graphic image at the top of the page.

  1. GO TO SILICON JUNCTION LITE [Text Only] button
    This button lets you jump to the text-only format of the page you're currently viewing. The content and functionality of the text-only page should be the same as in the Rich format, but without any inlined graphic images. In the Junction Lite format, this button will be labeled "Junction Rich". Clicking on this button will then load the graphically-rich version of the page you're viewing.
  2. Employee Services button
    This button takes you to the top page of the Employee Services section of Silicon Junction. This section includes links to many commonly-used web pages that describe support groups and services for all SGI employees. Important pages listed here include the Employee Locator page, Job Listings, and New Hire setup forms. This page is available in 3 different views: alphabetical, chronological, and topical.
  3. Computer Tools Button
    This button takes you to the Computer Tools section of Silicon Junction. This is where you'll find information about the software and hardware used internally by SGI employees. There are subsections on software installation, software development, system administration, and software for new employees.
  4. Internal Sites Button
    This buttons takes you to a page that lists SGI Division & Field Home Pages for sites inside the firewall. This page is available in 4 different views: alphabetical, chronological, functional, and organizational. The organizational view is strictly based on the SGI org chart.
  5. External Sites Button
    This button takes you to a page that lists Home Pages for SGI-related organizations that have web sites outside the firewall. This is where you'll find Home Pages for important SGI affiliates like Silicon Studio and Alias. This page is available in 3 different views: alphabetical, chronological, and functional.
    This is the "back-to-home" button. This button reloads either the Junction Lite or Junction Rich Home Page, depending on which format you're currently viewing. This button is inactive on the Home Page; since you're already there, there's no need to reload it.
  7. Table Of Contents button
    This button takes you to the complete list of all current web pages served through Silicon Junction. This includes all hyperlinks in the first 3 or 4 levels of Silicon Junction.
  8. Recent Hot Items button
    This button takes you to a page that lists recent changes to Silicon Junction including an archive of recent headlines and press releases. This list is more complete than it was in the first version of Silicon Junction.
  9. About Junction button
    This button takes you to a page that describes Silicon Junction in general terms. This is where you'll find information on how to submit news articles and headlines to Silicon Junction, and information on the Junction Team members and mission statement.
  10. Assist button
    This button takes you to a page that lists sources for more information about several web-related topics, including general information about how to best use Silicon Junction. The Assist page has hyperlinks to the Internal Training page and the IS Assistance Center page.
  11. Feedback button
    This button takes you to a web page with a form that let's you easilymake suggestions for improving Silicon Junction or to let us know ifsomething needs to be improved or fixed. Our goal is to make Silicon Junction the best corporate web server on the planet, and we need yourfeedback to make this happen.

  12. Search button
    This button takes you to the Search page which is the front-end to the internal SGI search utility. This utility lest you search for web pages anywhere inside SGI's firewall based on a simple character search. This page also has hyperlinks to several other search engines including some outside the firewall.

Revised September 7, 1995. Send suggestions to